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Bamako-San Pedro road project in Mali and C?te d’Ivoire almost complete

Home » Transport » Roads » Bamako-San Pedro road project in Mali and C?te d’Ivoire almost complete

The implementation of the Bamako-San Pedro road corridor project in Mali and Côte d’Ivoire, which is an alternative road opening up and connecting the 2 neighboring hinterland or landlocked countries via the Port of San Pedro, and whose construction began in 2016 is nearing completion.

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To this far, work on the Zantiébougou-Ivorian border route in Mali, which measures about 140 kilometers been completed and provisionally delivered. On the Ivory Coast side, the works of the Kani-Fadjadougou section (lot 1) have been finalized and those of the Fadiadougou-Boundiali section (lot 2) is 86% complete. The two lots represent a distance of approximately 135 kilometers.

The scope of the work included asphalting of the Boundiali – Kani section (135 km) and the antiébougou – CI border section (140 km) in Mali and Côte d’Ivoire respectively, as well as the reservations for fiber optic along both sections. Other works included development and rehabilitation of public utilities such as multifunctional centers for women’s associations, healthcare centers, schools, etc. and provision of transport facilities such as weighing /toll station, axle load control station amongst others.

The total cost of the project

The total cost of the project before taxes and customs duties is estimated at about US $ 233 million. This was provided by the African Development Bank and its window namely the African Development Fund, the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), and the governments of the two West African countries.

The Project’s overall objective is to contribute to the promotion of sub-regional integration within the WAEMU region, and increased trade between Mali and Côte d’Ivoire. The Project’s specific objective is to improve traffic flow and reduce transport time and cost on the Bamako-San Pedro Corridor.

The project impact area covers the regions of Worodougou and Bagoué in Côte d’Ivoire and Sikasso in Mali.