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Beni-Kisangani road project in the DRC to be executed by CCCC

Home » Transport » Roads » Beni-Kisangani road project in the DRC to be executed by CCCC

The government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has entrusted the asphalting of the RN4, Beni-Kisangani road which is approximately 670 kilometers, to the China Communications Construction Company.

The related memorandum of understanding was signed on Wednesday the 4th of November in Kinshasa between the Central African Country Minister of Infrastructure and Public Works, Willy Ngoopos, and Zhou Bing, the representative of the majority Chinese state-owned, publicly-traded, multinational engineering and construction company primarily engaged in the design, construction and operation of infrastructure assets, including highways, bridges, tunnels, subways, airports, oil platforms, marine ports and railways, especially high-speed rail.

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As per the agreement, the technical and financial feasibility studies for the project are scheduled to last for a period of at most 12 months. The actual construction works will start thereafter, once the financial package has been established.

The beneficiaries of the project

The paving works on this road, which is currently impassable and more especially during the rainy seasons, will link and facilitate transport between the towns of Kisangani and Bafwasende in the province of Tshopo, Nia-Nia and Mambasa in the province of Ituri, and Beni in the province of North Kivu.

The road is also a part of a proposed linkage to the neighboring Republic of Uganda. Once fully complete, this strategic corridor will connect the center and northeast of the DRC to the port of Mombasa in Kenya, thereby promoting the development of transport infrastructure and the economy of the DRC in the sub-region as well as enhance security in the eastern region of the Central African Country.

3 thoughts on “Beni-Kisangani road project in the DRC to be executed by CCCC”

  1. And I would request to an offer to be there for some works as one of the local companies to collaborate with them in the construction cont.+256755418411

  2. That is good for everyone in DRC.The road it’s more important and security. But there is challenges about to participate DRC Companies for the projects executed or to be executed by foreign Company. DRC have also companies which can contribute by supplying road construction materials and so on to maintain the word of DRC President to give value for the same. We have hands opened to welcome CCCC to collaborate with local companies for the projects.

  3. There is a saying teach me how to fish, I live for ever. Give fish to eat today I die without it in eight days! Is the construction of the high in DRC to be as part of training to the Congolese to construct more roads themselves in DRC and learn to maintaining those constructed.

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