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Bids invited for implementation of Abu Dhabi Islands RO water project

Home » water & sanitation » Bids invited for implementation of Abu Dhabi Islands RO water project

Expression Of Interest (EOI) bids have been invited for the implementation of the Abu Dhabi Islands RO (Reverse Osmosis) Independent Water Project (IWP). The bids have been invited by Emirates Water and Electricity Company (EWEC) and they are open for the consortium and independent developers. 

The Abu Dhabi Islands RO (Reverse Osmosis) Independent Water Project (IWP) will be located on Hudayriat island and Saadiyat Island. It features two standalone greenfield reverse osmosis seawater desalination plants.

The facilities will desalinate the seawater to provide fresh water, approximately 100 meters of imperial gallons in a day (MIGD). This is the equivalent of approximately 455,000 cubic meters in a day. In the long run, the project will meet the water demand of well over 180,000 households within Abu Dhabi.

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Expectations for the Abu Dhabi Islands RO (Reverse Osmosis) Independent Water Project (IWP)

Once operational, the Abu Dhabi Islands RO project will become the EWEC’s seventh and eighth reverse osmosis desalination plants. It serves as an advancement of the company’s strategic initiative that aims to support the decarbonization of water as well as electricity production. Additionally, the initiative aims to decouple the capacity of water and power generation.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Emirates Water and Electricity Company spoke about the project. Othman Al LAi said that reverse osmosis is a significantly low-carbon intensive seawater desalination technology. As a result, it helps the company to further advance its power and water generation portfolio. Ultimately, the project immensely contributes to the decarbonization of the energy sector.

The Chief Executive Officer also added that they look forward to receiving the Expression of Interest bids. The successful bid(s) will partner with the firm to contribute towards achieving the Abu Dhabi as well as the sustainability goals of the UAE.