Boost for teachers as construction of housing units in Guinea set to commence

Home » News » Boost for teachers as construction of housing units in Guinea set to commence

Construction of 100,000 housing units in Guinea  is set to commence after Project Development International, Inc. signed a Partnership Agreement with the Federation Syndicale Professionnelle De L’Education (FSPE), the teacher’s union in Guinea, and La Confederation Nationale des Travailleurs de Guinee (CNTG),the National Confederation of Guinea Workers, for the construction of the houses.

The construction of housing units in Guinea are meant for teachers.

The Program, anticipated to start in early 2016 and run through 2025, is estimated at $2.875 Billion.

The housing construction programme in Guinea is part of a larger effort by the Government to alleviate the serious housing shortage nationwide.

Project Development International will additionally assist the Government of Guinea to establish a mortgage bank to allow for loans to be extended to home buyers. Project Development International, S.A. has been established in Guinea to manage projects locally. New offices for Project Development International, S.A. are being set up in downtown Conakry.

The Guinea Government has established types, quantities, and locations for the new housing units to be built. The housing units consist of two types, three and four bedroom apartments, and will be contained within three to five story structures. Designs will include sustainable elements for the provision of electricity, clean water, and hot water.

The construction Program of the  housing units in Guinea  will proceed as a Public Private Partnership between the Guinea Government and Project Development International, S.A. The Guinea Government will issue a purchase guarantee to assure that the housing units built will be purchased at the Government established sales prices.

Project Development International, Inc. (PDI) is an International Social Infrastructure Development firm headquartered in Dunedin, FL USA with affiliate offices in Santiago, Chile; Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; Abuja, Nigeria; Accra, Ghana; Libreville, Gabon; and now Conakry, Guinea. PDI has been providing Public Owner Representative services throughout the U.S. for more than 30 years and International Infrastructure Development Services for the past 10 years.

For more information contact Mr. James E. Lalumiere, President, in the Dunedin, FL offices at +1(727) 734-8589 or visit our website at

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