Carrefour Rn2-Medina Ndiathb?-Cas-Sald?-P?t? road in Senegal opened

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Senegalese President Macky Sall recently chaired the inauguration ceremony of the Carrefour Rn2-Medina Ndiathbé-Cas-Saldé-Pété road, which serves the northern part of the West African country, particularly the island of Morphil, located approximately 490 kilometers from Dakar, in the department of Podor.

The 68 kilometers long asphalt road is an integral part of a vast government program whose objective is “to improve the overall level of service of the national road network and to ensure service to remote areas”. According to President Macky Sall, the realization of this road axis, therefore, makes it possible to complete an important part of the opening up of this part of the department of Podor.

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Overview of the vast government program

The vast government program to open up the island at Morphil generally includes the construction and upgrading of several roads, some of which should be connected to the national road N ° 2. The works concern in particular the 70 km Ndioum-Halwar-Demeth, the 68 km Médina Diathbé – Cas Cas –Saldé – Pété, the 40 km Démeth – Cas Cas road, 20 km Dodel – Demeth road, the 19 km Ndioum – Guédé road, the 45 km Halwar – Diattar – Guyia road and the 25 km Boube – Ndiandane – Guyia.

It also involves the construction of the Edy, Guédé, Dodel 1 and Dodel 2 bridges, development of the Tarédji – Podor feeder roads on 29 km including the Pordor road of 4 km, as well as rehabilitation of basic socio-economic infrastructures such as schools, health, and water facilities, market stalls and transport facilities.

Benefits of the project

Upon completion, the project will enable occupants of the beneficiary area to have quick access to facilities such as hospitals, schools, markets for their products, amongst others.

The roads will also lead to interaction between people from different geographies which will result in rise of new opportunities and ultimately the growth of the people and Morphil Island in general.