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Chinese firm begins the construction of police houses in Zambia

Home » Buildings » Residentials/apartments » Chinese firm begins the construction of police houses in Zambia

Chinese firm Avic International has been awarded a contract to construct 2, 350 houses in Zambia for police officers at the cost of US $320m.

President Edgar Lungu indicated optimism for the project during the ground breaking ceremony for the construction of the first 48 houses in Zambia capital Lusaka. This is expected to be completed end of March 2016.
President Lungu noted that his country is experiencing housing deficit and this will help address the 12, 000 deficit.
The security wings under the Ministry of Home Affairs include the Zambia Police, Immigration Department, Zambia Prison Service and the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC).
The president further noted that lack of decent housing for the Zambians was a great challenge and the Government is determined to come up with initiatives that would help provide decent housing for the whole country.

According to the Minister of Home Affairs, Davies Mwila, the housing project will see to it that Police officers get 1,454 houses, the prison service gets 677, 117 for the Immigration Department while 102 houses will be constructed for the Drug Enforcement Commission.

The Senior Cice President for AVIC International, Gong Jiayan noted that his company will provide quality houses with completion of the same being at the stipulated time.
The Chinese firm will closely work with local suppliers which will also provide jobs to the locals.

1 thought on “Chinese firm begins the construction of police houses in Zambia”

  1. That is welcome but strange that a Avic International a Maritime Company is building these Houses ??

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