The governor of the central bank, Prof. Florens Luoga, recently stated during a special visit to Zanzibar airport, which is almost complete, that the airport will aid in promoting tourism and economic growth.
The governor stated that Zanzibar’s foreign currency reserves are largely derived from the tourism sector. In this case, the terminal building’s completion will boost tourism in the country. This is expected to encourage the island’s development.
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He lauded the government of Zanzibar for its efforts in developing and overseeing its development projects. One of these projects includes the Zanzibar airport building, which is currently approaching completion.
How the completion of the Zanzibar airport will impact the country
After the terminal is completed, he said that Zanzibar should make preparations to receive many tourists in the next short period. He added that these improvements will improve air transport. He stated that tourists and investors alike are attracted to Zanzibar by the airport’s contemporary buildings.
According to him, the central bank’s role in promoting the economy is to give advice on various financial issues in order to stimulate growth. The governor continued by saying that the bank is pleased with how the local economy will grow. This will come as a result of the foreign exchange services that will be provided at the Zanzibar airport.
Prof. Luoga added that despite the Ukraine-Russia conflict having an impact on a number of industries throughout the world, the Tanzanian economy is still doing well. The terminal’s construction, which will cost a total of 133,547,089 Shillings, is expected to be completed by next month.
This is according to Mudriki Abdulla Mussa, acting director of trade, planning, and projects at the Zanzibar Airports Authority. He stated that from 408,479 passengers recorded in 2021, the number of passengers using the airport increased to 99,009.