Home » Buildings » Schools » Construction of modern vocational training center for AFL Wives? Association 90% complete

Construction of modern vocational training center for AFL Wives? Association 90% complete

Home » Buildings » Schools » Construction of modern vocational training center for AFL Wives? Association 90% complete

Construction of a modern vocational training center for Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) Wives’ Association at the Edward Binyah Kesselly Barracks in Schieffelin, Margibi County, Liberia is now 90% complete.

First Lady Clar Marie Weah recently toured the US $100m project and expressed her delight over initiating the project. “This initiative is part of my flagship program, the ‘She’s You Movement’, which seeks to promote women and girls empowerment among others,” she said.

She further added that she was keen on leaving a positive and indelible mark on the hearts of Liberians as First Lady and Mother of the Nation. According to the First Lady, her assistance was prompted by the women’s courage to single-handedly initiate a vocational training program to help fellow women and girls learn various skills to enable them earn a living and support their families.

She also challenged the women to make the most out of the facility when completed, while urging women across the country to continue to support and work with the President Weah-led government for more of such initiatives across the country.

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Building the capacity of women in Liberia

Speaking on behalf of the Army Wives, Mrs. Afrelda Nmah appreciated the Fist Lady’s initiative, insisting that her assistance will go a long way in building the capacity of hundreds of Liberian women and girls not only at the barrack but surrounding communities.

Mrs. Nmah, the Association’s Secretary General, said that when completed, the modern vocational training center will ease their constraint of adequate infrastructure and conducive learning environment which impeded the smooth running of their vocational program. She noted that with the facility will facilitate the increase in the number of enrollment and the addition of more disciplines especially in business management.