Construction work of a modern health clinic has resumed in Kokoyah District, Liberia, despite the challenges in the procurement process of the necessary construction materials and observing all the health protocols amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
The construction work of a modern health clinic, which is meant to provide proper health care for residents is one of the several projects initiated by MNG Gold, a Turkish based company in the mining sector, in fulfillment of promises made to the company’s affected communities in the district of Representative Albert Hills.
Also Read: Construction of 14th Military Hospital road in Liberia complete
Other projects in the pipeline include the rehabilitation of feeder roads and reconstruction of a vocational school.
About the feeder roads and the vocational school
MNG Gold’s Public Relations Officer, Mr. Lloyd Ngwayah said that the company plans to embark on the rehabilitation of several feeder roads linking Dolo and New Town, U-lah as well as Camp -2 Town in Boinsein Administrative District the soonest possible.
Ngwayah acknowledged that Road connectivity remains a major challenge in Kokoya and other districts in Bong, and assured that when rehabilitated, the road network will ease the movement of goods and services as well as people in that region of the West African country.
Furthermore, Ngwayah said that the company will also begin the reconstruction of a vocational school which was almost at the stage of completion but caught fire last year and the cause of the fire has not been fully established yet. This school according to the PR officer will help many young people in Kokoya and Bong County to acquire skills that will be helpful in their future.
Even though Ngwayah did not mention exactly when the projects will be completed, he affirmed that all the necessary materials for the projects are available and therefore they expect the projects to move smoothly until they are fully completed and dedicated.