Côte d’Ivoire-Liberia-Sierra Leone-Guinea (CLSG) electricity network project

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Samuel Tweah, Liberia’s Minister of Finance and Development Planning, has confirmed the government’s financial commitment to the sustainability of the CLSG electricity line. Minister Tweah made the pledge at the official signing of the Transmission Service Agreement (TSA) with the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) on October 26, 2022, at the TRANSCO CLSG headquarters in Abidjan.

For the project’s successful signing, Minister Tweah praised the efforts of TRANSCO CLSG, the Cote d’Ivoire government, and the project backers. Minister Tweah stated, “we are dedicated to sustaining the viability of the CLSG project.”

Minister Tweah claimed that President George Weah’s administration is determined to make the LEC viable. He added that when President Weah took office, the CLSG electricity line was at an 18 percent physical project implementation rate.

Liberia’s budget manager added that the government of Liberia has maintained significant support towards the CLSG project. And President Weah is eager to make sure Liberians have reliable and inexpensive energy, particularly during this dry season.

Also Read: Liberia-Ivory Coast to sign 27MW power agreement in TRANSCO CLSG deal

The CLSG electricity line project is a real-world example of regional integration in action.

The finance minister said that the Liberian government has supported the historic CLSG project from the beginning of the physical implementation in 2018 to almost 97% of the way their present. Furthermore, he added that the CLSG project is a real-world example of regional integration in action.

Minister Tweah stated, “What we now have is a framework to market electricity.”

Additionally, he praised the donors, including the World Bank, African Development Bank, and European Investment Bank. As well as German Development Bank, for their tireless efforts in making the CLSG project a reality. He also recognized other significant stakeholders.

One more substation was installed at Botota during the Weah-led administration as part of efforts to cover the entire country. Yekepa, Monrovia, Buchanan, and Mano substations in Liberia have all received electricity from TRANSCO CLSG.

Project overview

Côte d’Ivoire-Liberia-Sierra Leone-Guinea (CLSG) electricity network interconnection project involves the construction of a 1,357-km double circuit high voltage (225 kV) line that connects the national electricity networks of the four countries.

This project is part of the backbone of the Mano River Union countries. Additionally, it is the priority project of the West African Power Pool (WAPP) Master Plan. The cost of the implementation of the project is approximately UA 331.51 million.

As part of the Côte d’Ivoire-Liberia-Sierra Leone-Guinea (CLSG) electricity network interconnection project, other activities related to the construction of infrastructure are also envisaged. These include the electrification of localities situated along the power line, and capacity building for WAPP and the countries involved.

Moreover, the works will involve the conduct of studies on the planning and feasibility of hydroelectric power stations. As a result, this will strengthen energy trade and the Côte d’Ivoire-Liberia-Sierra Leone-Guinea (CLSG) electricity network interconnection project management.

Reporedly, the project implementation will help complete the WAPP interconnection network and enhance power supply security by 290 MW.

Reported earlier 

Nov 2016

Tractebel Awarded Engineering Contract For CLSG Project

Tractebel Awarded Engineering Contract For CLSG Project

The Global engineering and consulting firm, Tractebel Engineering Belgium has been awarded a contract by TRANSCO CLSG, a regional transmission company established by an international Treaty to build a 1,303km of transmission line from Cote d’Ivoire linking Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea.

Mr. Mohammed M. Sherif, General Manager of TRANSCO CLSG, today signed a three years contract with Tractebel Engineering Belgium, in association with Mott MacDonald and IRAF to serve as the Owner’s Engineer for the supervision of the construction and guarantee period (Phase 2) of the CLSG interconnection project.

In signing the milestone contract to formally launch the construction phase of the CLSG project, Mr. Sherif urged the Owner’s Engineer to ensure the acceleration of the project as millions of citizens in the countries that constitute the CLSG – Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea, are eager to receive electricity in their respective rural and urban communities.

The signing ceremony was held at the TRANSCO CLSG headquarters in Abidjan.

TRANSCO CLSG senior executives including the Director of Finance and Administration, Mr. Jigba Yilla, the Director of the Project Implementation Unit, Mr. Etienne Bailly, and the Senior Procurement and Contracts Management Specialist, Mr. Mohamed Keita witnessed the ceremony.

Tractebel Engineering Belgium is a global engineering consultancy company with more than 150 years of expertise in energy, water, and infrastructure projects. The Owner’s Engineer was hired by TRANSCO CLSG following a rigorous bidding process that lasted for months of comprehensive evaluation.

Meanwhile, negotiation for the transmission line contract for Lot 2 (Buchanan to Mano via Monrovia) is nearing completion. Already, negotiation has been concluded on the transmission line Lot 1 (Yekepa to Buchanan).

The signing of the Owner’s Engineer Phase 2 contract is a milestone for the CLSG project.

Jun 2017

Cross-border electricity connection to change West Africa


The Presidents of four West African nations comprising Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea, assembled for the inauguration of the cross-border electricity link.

The Liberian President, Ellen Johnson, led the momentous groundbreaking event of the energy project, where she was joined by her colleagues from Cote d’Ivoire President Alassane Ouattara, Sierra Leone President Ernest Bai Koroma, and Guinea President Alpha Conde.

A press release, issued by the TRANSCO CLSG stressed that the cross-border energy supply between the four countries will support economic development, decrease the necessity to use costly generators and allow current and future hydropower projects to profit the region.

TRANSCO CLSG is an exceptional purpose company established to execute the cross-border electricity link between these four West African nations.

In her inaugural remarks, President Johnson said: “As you know, as ECOWAS continues to transform our economy, power has been acknowledged as one of our key limitations.
“For Liberia, power is the one thing that has made a modification in the worsening in the quality of life in all regions, as power supports education, health, business, safety and the ease of life.”

The President upheld the CLSG project will bring to the recipient republics a big reprieve and that for those nations developing, it will allow them to move at a quicker pace in realizing their development goals.

“As we break grounds, all four of us as leaders of the CLSG republics, give to TRANSCO CLSG our fullest commitment and support to see that this project moves as quickly as likely in reaching the objectives that have been set,” she said.

The project is a transnational investment setup and is funded by four donors that are, the World Bank, the European Investment Bank, the KfW, and the African Development Bank.
The four beneficiary countries have delivered equal contributions for the payments of relocation action plans and interest accumulated during construction.

The European Investment Bank is giving a US $84 million 25-year loan, while the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund is also offering grant funding of US $30 million that will support technical assistance for engineering, viability studies, and rural electrification.

Sep 2022

Liberia Prepares to Connect to “CLSG’ Electricity Networks

Liberia is making moves in a bid to connect to the Côte d’Ivoire-Liberia-Sierra Leone and Guinea’s CLSG” Electricity Networks.  Recently, the North African country’s government announced a collaboration to implement measures toward the actualization of the project. These collaborations were reportedly made with TRANSCO CLSG and some other development partners.

Liberia has one of the lowest rates of electricity access in the entire world. Less than 15 percent of the population in Monrovia has regular access to electricity which is concerning for residents. However, the country has the unwavering pursuit of connecting to the TRANSCO CLSG Grid for reliable and affordable electricity for its citizens. This will soon become a reality as the nation gets ready to sign all commercial framework agreements with Cote d’Ivoire. The latter supplies the electricity, and TRANSCO CLSG, transport the energy.

Also Read: Liberia Electricity Sector Strengthening and Access Project to receive financial boost

Due to a serious shortage of access to dependable and reasonably priced energy, Liberia’s economy is severely restricted. This makes electricity the single largest contributor to operational costs for enterprises in Liberia. Parts of Monrovia have recently received limited electricity restoration from the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC), a governmental utility company.

The TRANSCO CLSG is a project funded by multiple donors. Their goal is to improve access to electricity in border areas of Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, and the Ivory Coast.

Remarks on the Proposed “CLSG’ Electricity Networks connection project

The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and the Transmission Service Agreement (TSA) have not yet been signed in Liberia, but the Minister of Mines and Energy, Mr. Gesler Murray, claims that the country is making every effort to do so within the next 60 days in order to increase people’s access to reliable and reasonably priced electricity.

He pointed out that energy is crucial for development. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all sovereign states to offer everyone access to inexpensive, dependable electricity.

Minister Murray reaffirmed that Liberia is still completely committed to the CLSG project. Despite providing significant contributions throughout the years to the CLSG Grid, he said Liberia had a stronger role in the limited usage of the CLSG Grid. He gave his word that Liberia would continue to support the initiative and would do so consistently.

Minister Murray expressed regret that Liberia had taken so long to sign the important framework agreements because of the government’s limited financial resources and other associated difficulties. Nevertheless, Murray pledged on behalf of Liberia, to enhance the use of the CLSG Grid.

Oct 2022

Liberia-Ivory Coast to sign 27MW power agreement in TRANSCO CLSG deal

The Minister of Mines and Energy, Gesler Murray has disclosed that the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) and Cote d’Ivoire have concluded a 27MW Power Agreement in the TRANSCO CLSG deal.

Murray claimed that government and its partners are keen that residents access electricity as they do during the rainy season. He said, “The first 27MW of power from the Ivory Coast will start to flow on December 1, 2022. Cross-border power imports will greatly lessen the power load shedding that occurred during the last dry season.”

The management of TRANSCO CLSG praised the Liberian government’s choice to include US$14 million in the recast budget for 2022. For initiatives to increase the country’s access to reliable and cheap energy.

Also Read: Liberia Prepares to Connect to “CLSG’ Electricity Networks

The 27MW power agreement in TRANSCO CLSG to help provide electricity to millions of Liberians

The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Cote d’Ivoire and the Transmission Service Agreement with TRANSCO CLSG, which will pave the way for the delivery of light to millions of Liberians who are eagerly awaiting electricity, are among the necessary commercial agreements that would be impacted by the appropriation, according to TRANSCO.

Furthermore, a crucial participant in the TRANSCO CLSG deal is the Republic of Liberia. 537km of the 1, 303km high-voltage transmission line that connects Cote d’Ivoire to Monrovia, Yekepa and Botota travel through Liberia. With the exception of Botota, four of the five substations have been finished, powered up, and made operational.

In response to the dry season power outages, Murray announced that the government is preparing to close the “generation gap.” Mr. Murray emphasized that the operation would involve the upkeep of machinery, purchases, and supply of electricity throughout the nation.

Murray said, “Furthermore, the repair of the Bushrod Thermal Plant generators, the purchase of HFO and LFO for these thermal generators, and the repair of the damaged Turbine Unit at the Mount Coffee Hydro Power Plant are just a few of the interventions to close the dry season gap that will be made.”

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