Home » Buildings » Council prioritises Oshikuku housing development in Namibia

Council prioritises Oshikuku housing development in Namibia

Home » Buildings » Council prioritises Oshikuku housing development in Namibia

Namibia’s local council is working around the clock on the Oshikuku housing development in a bid to provide affordable housing for its residents. The council partnered with Easy United Holdings in 2020 to construct 143 houses. These are expected to be finished by the end of the current year.

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According to the town’s mayor, Julia Endjambi, the same partnership constructed around 104 homes last year. In addition, under the Build Together programme, the Oshikuku council has approved the construction of 13 homes for N$800,000 each.

The Build Together programme spent roughly N$500,000 last year on the building of eight homes. This year, the council also allowed the construction of 13 houses by the Shack Dwellers Federation.

The federation constructed an extra 13 houses last year.

Endjambi noted that while there is a high demand for land in Oshikuku, the council is unable to provide serviced property because of social constraints.

In order to increase revenue in the town, the council finished the third phase of the Oshikuku cultural heritage centre.

Four bungalows will be offered for rent as part of Phase Three in the near future.

Mayor Endjambi provided an overview of Oshikuku’s housing development operations, stating that the city council plans to create a third open market. This is aimed to reduce the number of people selling on the streets and along the road. According to the mayor, negotiations with the concerned party have taken place, and they have agreed to relocate.

The council also aims to construct an animal impoundment facility since there are too many animals roaming the town’s streets, highlighting the issues it faces.

Similarly, the council is confronted with the problem of overflowing sewerage ponds, as the present sewerage ponds are incapable of supporting the municipality. Furthermore, the councillor stated that there is a need to gather rainwater in the town since it floods during the rainy season.

Meanwhile, with a limited budget, the council will build drainage drains in certain areas of town.