Home » Buildings » Industrial » Desalination Plant to be set up in Morocco at €82 million

Desalination Plant to be set up in Morocco at €82 million

Home » Buildings » Industrial » Desalination Plant to be set up in Morocco at €82 million

An international company has been selected by the Moroccan National Electricity and Drinking Water Office (ONEE) to set up a desalination plant that will provide a total of 100,000 m3 of drinking water enough for about 800,000 people Moroccans.

Requiring about €82 million, the desalination plant will be based in Greater Agadir, and will boost economic activities in the region. Reports indicate that the plant will use the proprietary reverse osmosis technology. The plant will be the largest desalination plant in Morocco in capacity, and the company is expected to optimize the advanced reverse osmosis process by use of a water ultra-filtration pre-treatment technique.

Abengoa, which has an over 70 years experience in engineering and construction projects will be responsible for design, technology installation, construction and subsequent maintenance of the plant for a period lasting 20 years after construction.

Tourism, agrifood and industrial sectors are set to benefit from this project that will see Abengoa increase its desalination capacity from projects to about 1,400 M m3/day.

Abengoa is expected to pull knowledge, expertise and experience from its participation in similar projects in Latin America, USA, the Arab Emirates, Algeria, Ghana, China, India and Spain.