EFCBC says Egypt can construct Cairo in one year

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The Egyptian Federation for Construction and Building Contractors (EFCBC) now says that they can construct Cairo in one year. The construction body says that the country’s construction companies have the capability to build Cairo in one year with no shoddy work.

According to EFCBC, board member Mohamed Abdel Raouf the country has the strongest construction and building constructions and they have been proved by carrying out different projects Across Africa and Internationally.

EFCBC  says that the contractors should be awarded the contract to build the New Cairo Capital so that the countries resources can remain at home country.

Abdel Raouf also said that the New Suez Canal that was inaugurated early last week is good example on the capabilities of the local contractors to handle big projects and complete on time without delay.

He called on the government to allocate the same efforts and interests that were given to the canal to the capital project, as well as health and education projects, which will lead Egypt to be in the ranks of major economic nations.

Abdel said with the steady growth of the real estate sector in Egypt there was need for the government to reorganize its legislation so that local contractors can get the larger share of projects than the international companies.

The board member added that the new City that will be constructed is supposed to be an opportunity to the Egyptian construction companies to get tenders and work on them.
He also urged the local companies to make sure that they bid to the competitive tenders in the country for them to ensure they win them.

EFCBC says Egypt can construct Cairo in one year