Home » Energy » Solar projects » University of Zagazig in Al Sharqia, Egypt to construct 90kWp solar power plant

University of Zagazig in Al Sharqia, Egypt to construct 90kWp solar power plant

Home » Energy » Solar projects » University of Zagazig in Al Sharqia, Egypt to construct 90kWp solar power plant

The Industrial Modernization Center (IMC) of the Ministry of Industry and Foreign Trade has approved the construction of a small 90 kWp solar power plant aimed to supply energy to the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Zagazig, a non-profit public higher education institution located in the small city of Zagazig, Al Sharqia Governorate of Egypt.

The construction of this grid-connected facility is part of the Egypt-PV project, financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and it is been implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) which acts as the GEF Implementing Agency.

Expectations for the small solar photovoltaic project

According to the managers of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Zagazig, during the construction phase, the small solar photovoltaic project is expected to offer training opportunity to the students, engineers, and technicians of the faculty, and allow the enrichment of scientific research in the fields of renewable energies and sustainable development.

Upon completion, the project is expected to save the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Zagazig on its electricity bills in addition to avoiding the emission of approximately 96 tons of carbon dioxide per year.

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An overview of the Egypt-PV project

The project aims to install small grid-connected solar photovoltaic systems for households and small and medium-sized enterprises. It will catalyze the development of the market for small-scale, decentralized, and grid-connected renewable energy generation, particularly solar PV, in Egypt.

The target according to Egypt-PV officials is to facilitate the installation of at least 4 MWp of new decentralized private PV capacity during the lifetime of the project.

IMC which was established by a Presidential Decree 19 years ago to give an impetus for a sustainable, modernized, vibrant, and competitive Egyptian industry, will assume the overall responsibility for the achievement of project results as UNDP’s Implementing Partner (IP).