Mahalla Water Treatment Plant in Egypt inaugurated

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The Old Mahalla Water Treatment Plant, located in the city of El-Mahalla El-Kubra in Egypt’s Gharbia Governorate, has been inaugurated after several years of upgrade works carried out by Metito, a Dubai based company that specializes in water treatment. The latter was awarded the contract by El Gharbia Company for Water and Waste Water, a subsidiary of the Egypt state-owned Holding Company for Water and Wastewater (HCWW).

The upgraded Mahalla Water Treatment Plant

The recently rehabilitated Mahalla Water Treatment Plant now has a capacity to treat 120,000 m3 of wastewater per day, compared with 80,000 m3 before the project was implemented. It will employ Pulsed-power water treatment technology which is the process of using pulsed, electro-magnetic fields into cooling water to control scaling, biological growth, and corrosion.

Also Read: Egypt to begin implementation of Fayoum wastewater expansion project

The process does not require the use of chemicals and helps eliminate environmental and health issues associated with the use and life-cycle management of chemicals used to treat water.

The upgraded Mahalla Water Treatment Plant will enable the residents of this area, approximately 345,600 people, to have access to high-quality clean water that can be used for irrigation among other uses. It will also help reduce pollution in Gharbia.

Water and Sanitation Services Improvement Programme

The project is a part of Phase 1 of the on-going Water and Sanitation Services Improvement Programme (IWSP), an initiative that aims to improve the water supply networks and wastewater treatment plants and the wastewater collection and treatment system in four governorates i.e Beheira, Gharbia, Sharkia, and Damietta.

The Programme is funded by the European Union (EU), Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the European Investment Bank (EIB), and the KfW Development Bank together with the Government of Egypt to the tune of over US$ 349M

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