Home » water & sanitation » Reservoirs » Foundation stone laid for construction of a water tower in Mao, Chad

Foundation stone laid for construction of a water tower in Mao, Chad

Home » water & sanitation » Reservoirs » Foundation stone laid for construction of a water tower in Mao, Chad

The government of Chad represented by Minister Tahani Mahamat Hassan, of the Central African country’s Ministry of Urban and Rural Hydraulics, on Tuesday the 23rd of March 2021 laid the foundation stone for the construction of a water tower in Mao, a town in the Kanem province.

Also Read: Government launches construction of drinking water supply in Kana, Chad

The facility, a reinforced concrete castle with a capacity of 1,000 cubic meters, will be built by the Chadian company Wadi Koundi. The company will also as part of the project construct a distribution network of 14 kilometers. In addition, it will rehabilitate 12 existing public standpipes and construct 29 new ones bringing the total taps in the network to 41.

Completion of the project

According to the Chadian Minister of Urban and Rural Hydraulics, the project will be delivered in a span of one year and four months. Minister Hassan called on the high sense of responsibility of the Wadi Koundi Company to complete the works on the stipulated time and in strict compliance with the rules of the art.

In addition to improving water services in the city whose geography is marked by sand dunes and sparse vegetation, the drinking water project will also help the 16th most populous city in the Central African country reduce the number of deaths due to water-borne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and diarrhea, among others.

A part of the Semi-urban and Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Programme

The above-mentioned project is a part of the Semi-urban and Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Programme (PAEPA SU MR) which aims to improve the living conditions of the people of Chad through the provision of drinking water and sanitation by 2030.

The programme is co-financed by the Chadian government and the African Development Bank (AfDB).