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France funds US$ 81M water project in Isingiro, Uganda

Home » water & sanitation » France funds US$ 81M water project in Isingiro, Uganda

The French government oversees the construction of a water project in Isingiro, western Uganda.  The project is aimed to improve water supply for both urban and rural areas of Uganda.

The agreement was signed between the Ugandan finance minister Mr. Matia Kasaija and the French ambassador to Uganda Mr. Jules-Armand Aniambossou. The project costs approximately US$ 81M and the funding was allocated through a French Development agency known as Agence Française de Development (AFD).

The project targets to provide water and sanitation services to Nakivale and Oruchinga refugee settlement regions. In his remarks, the French ambassador said, “As one of the priority areas agreed upon between France and Uganda, AFD has supported the development of water and sanitation infrastructure in both rural and urban areas through the Ministry of Water and Environment and also through the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC).”

The water project in Isingiro to improve hygiene in the refugee-rich areas

The project is expected to improve health and sanitary conditions as well as the living environment across the Isingiro district (340 000 persons out of 550 000, including the two refugee settlement areas which host 120 000 persons). The quality of life will be enhanced by improving hygiene conditions and reducing the incidence of waterborne diseases, and increasing available incomes by reducing healthcare costs and lost working days.

Also Read: Uganda to construct an artificial lake in Karamoja sub-region

The project will also contribute to the protection of the natural environment and biodiversity, by reducing the pollution discharged into Lake Nakivale, and reducing the volume of water abstracted from this lake.

In his closing remarks, Kasaija guaranteed the French Ambassador and the AFD delegation, that the government will fulfill its obligations under the agreement and ensure that the funds are properly and exclusively utilized by the Agencies on the activities earmarked.

Furthermore, it will be concretizing the humanitarian & development nexus by strengthening the handover of basic services from UN agencies to regular service providers.

1 thought on “France funds US$ 81M water project in Isingiro, Uganda”

  1. Would like to get piping installations tenders on the ongoing projects and future projects.

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