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GPHA signs MoU for expansion of Tema Port in Ghana

Home » Transport » Seaports » GPHA signs MoU for expansion of Tema Port in Ghana

The Ghana Ports and Habour Authority (GPHA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Meridian Ports Services (MPS), one of the top container terminal operators in Africa to construct various infrastructures at Tema Ports.

To be constructed at the Tema port includes berths, breakwater, quay wall and terminals. Dredging of the port to adequate depths will also be undertaken as part of the expansion exercise. Mr Richard Anamoo, Director-General of GPHA has said that the expansion will see the port handle more vessels at the berth measuring 450 metres and weighing 50 metres.

The project is expected to cost a total of US$1.5bn and is expected to start off by second quarter of 2015. The two berths are expected to be completed by October 2016, a move that will make it possible for related infrastructure to be completed by December 2018 – these include a rail and road network, railway terminal and a 1.4z0km query.

The project will involve expansion of hinterland connections – rail and road network between Tema and Accra. Dredging will see the port capable of handling larger and deeper draughted vessels and this will help link Ghana to outer world, availing an opportunity for Ghanian companies to compete in business, globally.

Construction of a truck park along the major port will also be part of the expansion practice. The land has already been acquired for this construction.

Construction works for expansion will help the port handle increasing cargo – currently; the port is handling about 70% of cargo imports. GPHA and Joint Ventures of Bollore Africa Logistics and APM Terminals are the principal investors.

The expansion of the port, according to Anamoo, will be crucial for the port to handle growth and providing of a world class infrastructure to support the country’s economic growth.

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