Home » Energy » Government Commissions 25 Solar Mini-Grids in Lamwo, Uganda

Government Commissions 25 Solar Mini-Grids in Lamwo, Uganda

Home » Energy » Government Commissions 25 Solar Mini-Grids in Lamwo, Uganda

The government of Uganda represented by Okaasai Sidronius Opolot, the Minister of State for Energy, recently commissioned 25 solar mini-grids in Lamwo District, in the Northern Region of Uganda.

The mini-grids were constructed under the Promotion of Mini-Grids for the Rural Electrification Project, with funding from the European Union and the German Development Bank (KfW), as one of the components of the Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU).

Beneficiaries of the Solar Mini-Grids

The solar mini-grids will benefit a total of 25 villages in Lamwo district and 15 other villages in Southern Uganda’s districts of Isingiro and Rakai, by providing solar-powered street lighting, improved water services through pumping and purification, and a boost in agriculture productivity and income for small scale farmers.

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Generally, over 15,000 people and 100 businesses in remote villages are expected to benefit from clean, sustainable, quality, and affordable solar electricity that will contribute to the transformation of lives.

The team behind the construction of the 25 Solar Mini-Grids in Lamwo

The project is implemented by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development under its Rural Electrification Programme, the Electricity Regulatory Authority, and the GIZ Uganda Energy Programme.

The mini-grids were constructed and will be operated by Winch Energy Ltd, a global, off-grid energy developer and technology designer, and integrator focusing on off-grid and island grids for renewable power projects in Africa.

Construction of more than 110 mini-grids on the pipeline

On the sidelines of the commissioning of the 25 mini-grids, Ambassador Schauer said that his government has committed additional funds to support its Ugandan counterpart to finance a similar project dubbed ‘Get Access’,.

The latter according to the ambassador will be implemented next year by the KFW, and upon completion, it will deliver more than 110 solar mini-grids that will provide electricity to at least 25,000 households.