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Government and 3PRS to carry out drinking water project in Congo

Home » water & sanitation » Reservoirs » Government and 3PRS to carry out drinking water project in Congo

The government has entered into a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) with 3P Renewables Switzerland (3PRS) SA through its subsidiary, 3PRS Congo Pointe-Noire,  for the implementation of a drinking water project in Congo.

Initially known as CJR Switzerland, 3PRS SA is a company created by the CJR Group to develop renewable energy infrastructure projects in the African continent, with a focus on the Design, Construction, and Operation of Drinking Water Supply System Autonomous (SAEPA) from green energies, within the framework of Public-Private Partnership.

Mandate of 3PRS as per the agreement.

As per the partnership, 3PRS has been awarded the delegated management for the development and operation of the new drinking water production infrastructure in Lake Gambouissi, which is located in the Pointe-Noire department.

Also Read: Government launches construction of drinking water supply in Kana, Chad

The company, based in Martigny (Switzerland) will thus build two Aquabloc® type water intakes with a capacity of 1,500 m3/h each, a treatment plant capable of supplying 30,000 m3 of drinking water per day, and three storage tanks with a total capacity of 4,500 m3. It will also be responsible for renovating an existing 5,000 m³ tank, laying 460 km of pipes to extend the primary, secondary, and tertiary networks, and making 20,000 domestic connections.

Furthermore, 3PRS will build ancillary and related equipment required for the operation of the facilities, and operate the raw water pumping, drinking water production, and booster station facilities for a duration of 22.5 years, during which it will be selling its products to La Congolaise des eaux (LCDE), the Congolese national water distribution company.

The latter will ensure the distribution of drinking water to subscribers, as well as the maintenance of the renovated reservoir, and the transfer and distribution networks.

1 thought on “Government and 3PRS to carry out drinking water project in Congo”

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