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Government receives bid for construction & operation of FSRU in Morocco

Home » Energy » natural gas » Government receives bid for construction & operation of FSRU in Morocco

Following the call for expressions of interest published late last month by the Department of Energy and Mines Fuel Department, Predator Oil & Gas Holdings PLC, a Jersey-based oil and gas exploration company, has announced that it has submitted a bid for the construction and operation of a proposed Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) in Morocco, off the Atlantic coast.

The company will utilize its experience and know-how that it has acquired through the development of its FSRU concept for security and diversity of energy supply for the Republic of Ireland to help the North African country to meet the demand for natural gas. It is estimated that by 2025 Morocco will need 1.1 billion cubic meters of natural gas, which will increase to 1.7 billion cubic meters after 5 years (2030), and 3 billion cubic meters 15 years later (2040).

Also Read: SDX Energy begins first phase of its 2021 drilling campaign in Morocco

Currently, the North African country has a demand of just 1 billion cubic meters per year that it meets owing to gas it sources in Algeria as part of its Algerian gas transit agreement to Spain.

Complementary to Predator’s business development strategy for Morocco

According to the Jersey-based oil and gas exploration company, the FSRU project will not interfere with its plans to develop the Guercif that has an estimated 474 billion standard cubic feet of gas and considerable upside potential.

“This is somewhat a potential continuation of the company’s commercial development strategy in Morocco, which aims to increase future gas exports to Europe, once the Moroccan domestic gas market has reached its full potential,” noted the company in an update on its operations in the North African country.

It also announced that it had received the necessary authorizations for the construction of the MOU-1 well platform from its Guercif exploration licenses. The well has tertiary gas potential in areas less than 10 km from the GME pipeline and it is expected to be drilled this coming month.