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Grant for rehabilitation and extension of water network in N?Djamena, Chad

Home » water & sanitation » Supply » Grant for rehabilitation and extension of water network in N?Djamena, Chad

The government of Chad is set to receive a total of over US$ 70M grant for the rehabilitation and extension of the drinking water network in N’Djamena, the capital city of the Central African country.

The grant will be provided by three parties namely; the French Development Agency (AFD) which is a bi-lateral development finance institution that works on behalf of the French government; the European Union (EU) which is an international organization comprising 27 European countries that govern common economic, social, and security policies; and the government of the Netherlands, following an agreement between them and the Chadian government to fund the project.

Solely AFD will contribute about US$ 17.9M while the EU will provide US$ 16.7M. The Netherland on the other hand will fund the project with US$ 35.9M while the government of this Central African country will contribute US$ 19M.  The project requires an overall investment of US$ 90.1M or its thereabouts.

Also Read: Chad:  Rehabilitation work on Bithéa water pumping station launched

The scope of the project

The drinking water supply project includes the construction of a new pumping field with 3 boreholes in the north-west region of the city, the construction of two water towers, and the laying of 205 kilometers of pipes to bring water to households.

The government of Chad is also planning to rehabilitate 12 water towers, 33 boreholes, and 52 kilometers of faulty pipes, as well as the development and rehabilitation of several water connections and water meters for individuals.

The project is part of the country’s plan to increase the rate of access to drinking water in the country’s capital city from the current 30% to 80% by 2030. It is also being undertaken as part of the National Development Programme implemented by the government of Chad covering the period 2017-2021.