Construction of classrooms in Shinyanga, Tanzania pick up pace

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The construction of more classrooms in Shinyanga, Tanzania has picked up pace, with various stakeholders affirming their support. Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office (Policy, Parliamentary Affairs, Labour, Employment, Youth and the Disabled) Patrobasi Katambi donated US $9,918 for the construction of classrooms and teachers’ houses in various schools of the municipal council.

Mr Katambi, who is also the Shinyanga Urban Constituency Member of Parliament, urged relevant officials, including the Shinyanga District Executive Director (DED) and ward councillor to ensure the classrooms were completed by the end of next month. “I wouldn’t like to see our children failing to study in this coming academic year due to lack of learning facilities. I have visited some schools and noted how big the shortage of classrooms is. It is high time this issue is rectified,” he said.

Also Read: Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique to build 40 new schools

Other donations

Shinyanga Municipal Mayor David Nkulila donated US $43 and five cement bags to Mazinge Secondary School in Ndembezi Ward. He commended the residents for initiating construction activities, saying more efforts are still needed to fight against the shortage of school infrastructure. “The government works hard to create an enabling learning and teaching environment. So, let us support it,” he added.

For his part, Shinyanga District CCM Chairperson Abubakari Gulam pledged to donate 10 cement bags for Ngokolo Secondary School, which had a shortage of eight classrooms. “I will submit the bags of cement next week,” he promised.

DED Geofrey Mwangulumbi said that 100 classrooms are need the area, with secondary schools missing 34 and primary schools 66 classrooms. “Only US $862 is enough for finishing activities,” assured the DED.

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