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Construction of phase II of Mombasa port terminal in Kenya to begin

Home » Transport » Seaports » Construction of phase II of Mombasa port terminal in Kenya to begin

The construction of phase II of Mombasa port terminal in Kenya will start early  2017, Kenya Ports Authority managing director Gichiri Ndua has said. When complete, the second container terminal  will provide and additional capacity of 470,000 and 550,000 TEUs.

Mr Ndua added that the construction project of phase II of Mombasa port terminal in Kenya will cost US$ 213m to complete.

He further pointed out that the Kenyan government had signed a US$241.3mn loan agreement with the government of Japan to help finance the project construction.

Once construction is complete, the new Mombasa port in Kenya terminal will mostly be operated by an international operator through a 25-year concession and according to reports the traffic forecast has indicated that annual container throughput will rise from 1.012mn TEUs handled in 2014 to 1.12mn this year. It is expected to further grow to 1.8m upwards to three million TEUs between 2016 and 2030.

KPA authorities confirmed that the construction of phase 1 which is more than 90 per cent complete is anticipated to be ready by February 2016 having cost US$ 900m.

The port of Mombasa in Kenya is a key trade gateway in East Africa serving countries like Uganda, Rwanda, DR Congo, Burundi and Southern Sudan.

Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) is a state corporation mandated to “maintain, operate, improve and regulate all scheduled seaports” on the Indian Ocean coastline of Kenya, including principally Kilindini Harbour at Mombasa. Other KPA ports include Malindi, Lamu, Kilifi, Mtwapa, Shimoni, Kiunga, Funzi and Vanga.