Construction of a US $596,603.94 cancer treatment centre in Kwale County, Kenya has begun. The centre is expected to transform the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in South Coast. According to Governor Salim Mvurya, the oncology centre will ensure early detection, hence saving many lives.
“We want to enable early detection through screening. This disease has claimed many lives. Having the facility in our county will also reduce the burden of expenses, which come with treatment,” he said.
The centre will provide chemotherapy treatment as well as surgical and laboratory services for patients after the completion of the first phase that will cost US $321,248.28. Completion of the second phase will enable the centre to have a full-fledged oncology department capable of handling all types of cancers and a treatment centre with a capacity of 40 patients.
Also Read: Cancer facility to be built at Bugando Zonal Referral Hospital in Tanzania
Specialised medical services
The county chief health officer, Dr. Salim Mbete, said that at least two cases of cervical cancer are reported daily. “Unfortunately, most patients come for screening when the symptoms are at an advanced stage, making treatment a huge challenge. The county will hire 18 specialised medical workers at the centre. “We have sponsored some of the students who are studying nursing, oncology and pathology,” added Dr. Mbete.
Currently, those seeking those seeking radiology services in the region and cannot afford the private hospitals have to queue at the Coast General Teaching and Referral Hospital in Mombasa County.