Home » Energy » Renewables » Khoumagueli solar project developer signs 25 year PPA with EDG, Guinea

Khoumagueli solar project developer signs 25 year PPA with EDG, Guinea

Home » Energy » Renewables » Khoumagueli solar project developer signs 25 year PPA with EDG, Guinea

The Khoumagueli Solar project in the Republic of Guinea has reached a significant milestone following a 25-year power purchase agreement (PPA) signed between InfraCo Africa, a multi-government funded, privately managed company providing early-stage development capital and expertise to develop infrastructure projects in sub-Saharan Africa, and Electricité de Guinée (EDG), a limited company with a majority public capital dealer of manufacture, the transportation, the distribution and sale of electric power in Guinea.

InfraCo Africa is the company in charge of the development of the aforementioned project with the support of Aldwych Africa Developments Ltd, in partnership with Solveo Energie SAS, a renewable energy producer based in Fenouillet, France.

“During these uncertain times, it is admirable that the teams involved have continued their work to achieve the signing of this important agreement, an act that demonstrates the ongoing commitment of EDG and the Government of Guinea to developing the country’s clean energy sector,” said Gilles Vaes, InfraCo Africa’s Chief Executive Officer.

Expectations for the Khoumagueli solar project

Located near the city of Linsan in the Province of Kindia, the Khoumagueli solar power plant is expected to be connected to the existing grid infrastructure upon completion, making it Guinea’s first grid-connected solar power plant.

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It will add 40MWp of renewable energy to the West African country’s 566MW national grid and complement the nearby 75MW Garafiri hydropower plant. The solar plant will be used to generate electricity during the day when rainfall is low, allowing the hydropower plant to slow down its operations and store enough water to run its turbines at full capacity at night.