Kimugu Water Supply Expansion Project in Kericho County, Kenya, which is being developed by the East African country’s Ministry of Water and Sanitation in conjunction with the Development Bank of Germany and Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency, is set to be completed by end of 2021.
With Nanchang Foreign Engineering company JV and Jiangxi Water and Hydropower Construction Group Co., Ltd as the main contractors, the project, according to its resident engineer Fabian Masinde, is now over 66% complete.
Eng. Masinde made the revelation during a site visit by the Presidential Delivery Unit (PDU) Director Mr. John Karanja and his team to assess the development works at the project.
Breakdown of the work done so far
Eng. Masinde explained that in particular, the construction of the structure at Kimugu river intake point was 95% complete, other walling at the intake point building was complete, while river protection works (gabions), intake bridge, diversion closure, and re-river diversion were also substantially complete.
Also Read: Kenya begins construction of US $12m Kimugu water treatment plant
What was remaining according to the project resident engineer was restoring the site into its original natural habitat by planting trees and grassing, which was ongoing.
The engineer also mentioned that the construction of 13 million cubic meters water storage tank and other treatment works at Duka Moja, which include chemical storage mixing building, sedimentation tank, filters, filters gallery, and control room, 5000 cubic meters treated water storage tank, Chlorine storage and mixing building, pump house, backwash water and sludge lagoon, sludge drying beds and staff houses were at various stages of completion.
Also Read: Kenya to construct US $17m water treatment plant in Kericho County
Regarding the pipeline network, Eng. Masinde said that the supply of steel pipes of diameter 600 mm for the 3.3 kilometers out of the 7.7 kilometers from the intake point to the treatment works plant has been done and that the remaining section of 4.4 kilometers was underway.
Once the project is commissioned, the water supply from the project would supply over 200,000 residents of Kericho town, Kapsuser town, Kapsoit, and those living in the peri-urban and the surrounding areas up to the year 2030 and beyond.