Home » Kiosk concept by Make Architects

Kiosk concept by Make Architects

Home » Kiosk concept by Make Architects

London architecture office Make Architects have designed a portable prefabricated kiosk with a folded aluminium shell that opens and closes like a paper fan.

Make based the design of the kiosks on the folded paper forms of Japanese origami, but chose to reproduce them in metal to create a compact and robust structure that can house street vendors.

“Origami was fundamental in developing the design; the ideas of a folding fan informed the design and folded paper models were used throughout the process, right up to the final testing of the completed design,” said project architect Sean Affleck

Two of the kiosks were installed in a public plaza at London’s Canary Wharf and acted as information and vending points for the duration of an ice sculpting festival last month.