Lt. Gen. Paul Lokech Memorial Stadium construction by the Agago district is set to open in December 2022.
The project was announced by the Agago District Local Government in March 2022. This was a result of a council resolution from 2018 calling for the construction of a stadium to develop talent. They, therefore, opted to honor Gen. Lokech by naming the proposed stadium in his honor, claiming that he loved peace.
The first phase of the project, according to the physical planner, was completed in June. This phase included clearing the bushes around the stadium, removing trees, leveling the field, and planting grass on the stadium. It reportedly cost a total cost of 20 million shillings.
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Lt. Gen. Paul Lokech Memorial Stadium second phase of the construction budget
38 million shillings were approved for the second phase implementation of the Lt. Gen. Paul Lokech Memorial Stadium. The district council approved the funding in June when it approved the draft budget for 2022–2023.
According to Agago district chair, Leonard Ojok, works will commence in the second quarter after they get the 38 million shillings. This phase will involve the construction of the football field, running track, and fencing. Ojok revealed that the district has already recruited an architect to draw an artistic rendering of the stadium and to estimate the project’s overall budget.
When fully complete, the Lt. Gen. Paul Lokech Memorial Stadium will feature, a swimming pool, a running track, a pavilion, and a basketball court. Additionally, there will be a volleyball court, a football field, and a monument to Lt. Gen. Lokech.
The stadium to open partially in December
According to Andrew Akera, the district can not finance the Lt. Gen. Paul Lokech Memorial Stadium project, the cost of which is expected in billions, on its own. Akera is the Physical Planner of the Agago district.
He said that the facility could therefore be opened in December. This he explained would allow a campaign to gather sponsors’ who would support the implementation of the project.