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Mauritius to construct solar PV plant at AMB in Moka district

Home » Energy » Solar projects » Mauritius to construct solar PV plant at AMB in Moka district

The government of the Republic of Mauritius is set to construct a solar PV plant of unknown capacity yet at the Agricultural Marketing Board (AMB) located in Moka district in the central plateau of the Indian Ocean Island.

This was revealed on a tender notice released by the AMB, which is a state-owned entity controlled by the nation’s Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security, inviting bids for the construction of a ground-mounted PV plant on its land under a design-build and turnkey contract.

Also Read: Construction of a 400kWp solar power plant in Mozambique suspended

Interested bidders are directed to purchase the bidding documents by paying a non-refundable fee of about US$12.20. They must also pay a sum of approximately US$4,878.9 as a bid security deposit. Any prospective overseas companies are also welcomed to participate in the bidding process.

Plan to increase the use of renewable sources of energy in Mauritius 

The government of Mauritius is planning to increase the use of renewable sources of energy from the current level of around 22% to 35% by the year 2025.

The Abu Dhabi Fund for Development recently provided a concessional loan worth US$25M for the development of two solar photovoltaic projects in Mauritius and Rwanda. The former spend its share of US$10M to help the Central Electricity Board install solar PV systems on 10,000 households. The Indian Ocean island state has also been keen on supporting distribution of solar energy through net metering and rebates.

Mauritius is also a member of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) which was set up to strengthen regional cooperation and sustainable development within the Indian Ocean Region. The IORA has been reported to have adopted the Delhi Declaration on Renewable Energy.

Other member states of the IORA include, India, Australia, Iran IR, Indonesia Thailand, Malaysia, South Africa, Mozambique, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Singapore, Madagascar, UAE, Yemen, Seychelles, Somalia, Comoros, and Oman.