Home » Transport » Rail » Morocco: studies for Tangiers Tramway to be completed this month

Morocco: studies for Tangiers Tramway to be completed this month

Home » Transport » Rail » Morocco: studies for Tangiers Tramway to be completed this month

Tangiers will now become the third city in Morocco to install a tramway system, after Rabat and Casablanca.

The study of the tramway are set to be complete by end of January this year, and the whole project is targeted at boosting the city’s industrial, tourist, social and cultural sectors by 2017.

El Omari, the Mayor of the city of Tangier said that the study will be set to reveal the project cost, routes and stations to be implemented in future, as well as the technical and financial structure for the project. The planned will be an important project for the city that is set to host more than 1000000 in 2015.

The system will also suit the city’s current strategic rapid development and modernization.