Mozambique to construct a new port city

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Mozambique’s state petroleum company, Cabo Delgado Ports, will invest in construction of a new port city to assist development of natural gas discoveries in the country.

The planned is an industrial area development spanning 18, 000 hectares of land, and will be located in the northern Cabo Delgado province. According to a statement, it will also be in close proximity to the liquefied natural gas facilities planned by Eni SpA, Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos EP and Anadarko Petroleum Corp. (APC).

Construction works at the mixed use port city development will involve setting up of parks, industry, tourist attractions, residences, schools, hospitals and stores.

ENH has already said that the 8, 000 inhabitants of Palma area are satisfied with the new port city project. The development is designed in such a manner to avoid resettlement of the populations.

Construction of the new port city is crucial since the country could become the world’s third largest gas producer in 2018, following investments by a couple of companies. With reserves estimated at 250 trillion cubic feet, the country has attracted investors such as Eni of Italy and Woodlands, Texas-based Anadarko. Further investments are expected, with the country’s strategic positioning near gas-hungry India and the Far East.

The urban development plan for the new port city was started last month by a Maputo-based architectural company, Tracus.

Infrastructure construction is expected to commence in 2017 according to the statement, although access roads were expected to start construction immediately (as of July). The plan is so large that Amad Valy, head of operations at ENHLogistics, said it won’t be possible to complete before 2017 timeline according to client. They expect to accomplish 25% of the plan in 15 years.

Cabo Delgado Ports, a joint venture between both state-owned Cia Mocambicana de Hidrocarbonetos and Portos & Caminhos de Ferro de Mocambique, will initially provide US$ 150 million and hold leases on ports in Pemba and Palma, as indicated on last January by Transport Minister, Gabriel Muthisse.

Italian Premier, Matteo Renzi, has indicated that Eni will invest US$50 bn in Mozambique

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