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The 50 MW Lüderitz Wind Power Plant Project in Namibia

Home » Energy » Renewables » The 50 MW Lüderitz Wind Power Plant Project in Namibia

A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and Transmission Connection Agreement (TCA) have been signed for the 50 MW Luderitz Wind Power Plant Project in Namibia. The agreements were signed between Namibian Power Corporation (NamPower) and CERIM Lüderitz Energy. The latter is a joint venture between Energy China and Riminii Investments.

On March 4, 2022, NamPower issued an open international call for bids for the construction of the 50 MW Lüderitz wind IPP power plant under a build-own-operate framework. The bidding round ended on July 29, 2022, with a total of five bids submitted.

After a widely advertised and competitive bidding process and a thorough evaluation phase, Cerim Lüderitz Energy emerged as the successful bidder with an offered base electricity tariff of N$0.8785 per kilowatt-hour as well as a fixed annual escalation rate of 0.5%.

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Development of the Luderitz Wind Power Plant Project in Namibia

As per the agreements Cerim will be responsible for the entire development of the N$1.40 billion power plant, roughly 16 kilometres south of Luderitz Town. This includes financing, construction, operation, as well as maintenance. Also, NamPower will be the plant’s sole off-taker for the period of the PPA, which is 25 years.

The 50 MW Luderitz Wind Power Plant Project in Namibia is projected to be completed within 27 months after the PPA’s signature date. The facility would place start commercial operation in July 2025 according to NamPower and Cerim Lüderitz Energy.

As a semi-skilled as well as unskilled workforce will be obtained from the Kharas region, the initiative will additionally contribute to the creation of jobs for the local economy.

It is said that the project’s commissioning in July 2025 is expected to replace 50MW of imports. This is also said to be a step in the right direction, according to NamPower’s managing director Kahenge Haulofu. The director made the remarks during the signing of the PPA.

Reported earlier

Feb 2021

Namibia: Market sounding exercise for Luderitz Wind Power Project

The Namibian Power Corporation (Nampower), Namibia’s national power utility that operates under the Southern Africa country’s Ministry of Mines and Energy, has launched a market-sounding exercise for the proposed 50 MW Luderitz Wind IPP Power Project.

With this procedure, the national power utility aims to solicit market information from interested parties such as developers, financiers, engineers, lenders, companies specializing in the operation and maintenance of power plants, regulators, and consumers.

To participate in this procedure, interested parties can access the market-sounding documentation and questionnaire survey by visiting the NamPower website following an online registration process at www.nampower.com.na.

Submissions should be made via email ([email protected]. )before the 8th day of March this year.

It should be noted that this is not the beginning of a bidding process, nor a prequalification exercise for the development of the Luderitz Wind IPP Power Project.

Implementation of the project

Nampower hopes that this procedure will make it possible to make the best decisions for the implementation/development of the power project.

The site chosen to accommodate the power plant is located 9 kilometres from the coast and 20 kilometres south of the town of Luderitz. This location enjoys a wind speed of 9.21 meters / second at about 100 meters above sea level.

This project is a part of the government’s policy to invest at least US$ 575m in renewable energy plants by 2020.