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Need for Greater Engagement of Private Sector in Angola’s housing Construction

Home » Buildings » Residentials/apartments » Need for Greater Engagement of Private Sector in Angola’s housing Construction

The co-ordinator of the offices of the UN-Habitat in Angola, Thomaz Ramalho, recently while speakig in Luanda appealed for greater engagement of the private sector in housing construction.

Speaking to the press, on the fringes of the conference on the World Habitat Day event, marked on Monday (Oct. 03), under the motto “Housing at the centre”, stressed that since 2008 Angola has placed housing at the centre of its development agenda, having for such built several housing projects, thus stimulating the participation of the private sector.

“Angola had an armed conflict that generated migratory dynamics that complicated the construction of housing projects for while, thus bringing about the need for major participation of investors ((in this sector)”, emphasised the source.

Thomaz Ramalho said there is a qualitative and quantitative problem in terms of guided private housing construction projects. He went on to clarify that one of the biggest problems is the shanty towns, about which the UN-Habitat intends to see both a preventive and corrective tackling of the matter.

The minister of Urbanisation and Housing, Branca do Espirito Santo in Angola recently said that there is a great effort by the Angolan Government, towards the provision of social housing for the population.

The Cabinet minister was speaking while assessing the visit she paid recently to southern Huila province, aimed to check the ongoing projects in the region and to make the formal delivery of urban development planning projects of Cacula and Quipungo municipalities.

To her, the quality of work is good, but the concern remains the external infrastructure, which is a current topic and involves various ministries, to the centrality or part of it and it will be available as soon as possible.

Branca do Espirito Santo stressed the allocation of town planning for directed self-construction, which is also a way to solve families housing problem and improve their living quality.


World Habitat Day is celebrated every year in the first Monday of October.