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Program to electrify several hospitals in Several Africa countries

Home » Energy » Renewables » Program to electrify several hospitals in Several Africa countries

A total of five electricity suppliers, namely Nuru International, Aress, Havenhill Synergy Limited, WindGen Power USA, and Zhyphen, have been selected to carry out a pilot program to electrify several hospitals in DR Congo, Benin, Nigeria and Mozambique, through the installation of photovoltaic systems in the earmarked health centers. 3

The aforementioned companies were selected based on their experience in the implementation of electrification projects through solar photovoltaic energy, their ability to carry out the work within 3 to 10 months after receipt of funds, and their ability to obtain more than 50% of the funds necessary for the realization of the project from other financial partners, by the developer of the program, Shell Foundation and Odyssey Energy Solutions’ Powering Health platform, following a call for tenders launched on March 2021.

Where each company will work

Nuru International will be stationed in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It will electrify four hospitals, as well as community health centers in Tadu and Faradje, with a performance-based grant. Stationed in Cotonou, Benin, Aress will on the other hand install off-grid solar systems in 15 private hospitals. 2

Also Read: Rehabilitation of eight health facilities in Guinea underway

In Nigeria, two companies (Havenhill Synergy and WindGen Power) were selected. Havenhill will generate solar power for 15 clinics in Oyo State with a guarantee from the pilot program while WindGen will supply clean energy to a peri-urban hospital in Kubwa, a residential district in Bwari, one of the area councils in the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria, Abuja.

Lastly, Zhyphen will be based in Mozambique where it will install a photovoltaic system in a private hospital in Niassa province. 1

Odyssey will use its Powering Health platform to collect data throughout the lifecycle of the future projects to provide insight into their technical performance and business model.