ElectraMeccanica Vehicles Corp, recently gave some new updates on its $35 million Mesa Assembly Facility, which broke ground in May 2021. The Canada-based electric vehicle maker and designer presently anticipates the 235,000-square-foot U.S. assembly and engineering technical center to open in the late spring of 2022, rather than the first opening timetable which was set for spring of 2022.
Although the opening has been deferred a few months from the previously set date, Kevin Pavlov, ElectraMeccanica’s CEO said he is satisfied with the headway made so far on the new Mesa Assembly Facility and the execution of his group across all fronts. He also mentioned that the company has continued to execute and deliver vehicles, while they worked on building out sales, logistics and service networks to support all near-term delivery targets, to enable them to boost their production and sales.
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Mesa Assembly Facility to produce mini three-wheeled, flagship EV
The new Mesa Assembly Facility is being built with the aim of producing the SOLO, which is ElectraMeccanica’s three-wheeled, mini flagship electric vehicle(EV). The organization says it’s attempting to ensure that the SOLO will address the Greater Phoenix traffic issues and is likewise wanting to work with a future pilot SOLO offer program.
Situated at 8127 E. Beam Road in Mesa, this new 235,000 square foot Mesa Assembly Facility, has been planned with the capacity of delivering up to 20,000 vehicles each year and will also create upto 500 new jobs. The facility will likewise empower the company to handle home-based assembly operations within the U.S. and also in the European market base. This permits the company to apply U.S. a-list fabricating principles to readiness, conveyance and assessment of vehicles that are being shipped off its clients in an affordable, localized way.
Pavlov gave more insights on the ongoing construction of the Mesa Assembly Facility and he said his company was working on rounding up the facility, while simultaneously working in other ElectraMeccanica facilities to identify assembly best-practices to guarantee an improved, highly efficient production line. In addition, multiple labs will be available on site to provide support for the vehicle, framework and power electronics testing.