Home » Buildings » Oshana is planning to construct Oshakati School of Computing in Namibia

Oshana is planning to construct Oshakati School of Computing in Namibia

Home » Buildings » Oshana is planning to construct Oshakati School of Computing in Namibia

The Oshana region’s Directorate of Education is planning to build a school of computing in Osikati. Inside and outside of the classroom, the school will present students with a variety of hands-on learning opportunities. During the school’s groundbreaking ceremony last Tuesday, the directorate announced that it aims to build a block of four classrooms, a storage facility, and ablution facilities totaling N$1.5 million during the first phase of development.

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According to the minister of information and communication technology, Peya Mushelenga, Harambee Prosperity Plan II supports the notion of industrialization through information and communication technology (ICT). He went on to say that there had never been a better moment to study computers in Namibia but that there was presently no secondary school of computing in Namibia, which was a disservice for pupils interested in the topic.

Oshakati School of Computing’s Benefits

Peya Mushelenga went on to say that the school of computers in Oshakati will be the region’s first of its type. He further stated that Namibia’s government, through its information technology strategy enacted in 2008, recognizes the importance of being a part of the global information society and the critical role of ICT in economic progress. This necessitates the expansion of computer science instruction in schools.

Mushelenga urged all stakeholders and the business community in the region to remember that education is a shared duty and that they should work together to provide technical and financial assistance to the directorate in order to construct the planned state-of-the-art school.

The school of computing in Oshakati, according to Mushengela, would expose students to breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, 3D printing, genetic engineering, and quantum computing, among other fields. The school would also provide students with the opportunity to overcome obstacles and take advantage of possibilities created by the fourth Industrial Revolution.