Home » Buildings » Phase I of the Hialeah Park redevelopment project will soon begin

Phase I of the Hialeah Park redevelopment project will soon begin

Home » Buildings » Phase I of the Hialeah Park redevelopment project will soon begin

The Hialeah Park Racing and Casino property in Florida will soon undergo the first phase of its redevelopment. This property is owned by Bal Bay Realty and controlled by the Brunetti family; it will be developed in conjunction with the Miami-based Prestige companies and Mater Academy.

The zoning permit issued by the City Council for the redevelopment of the Hialeah Park, allows the property to be used for building residential units, schools, hotels, restaurants, a bowling alley, and a jockey hospital. Supermarkets and nightclubs usage are also part of the permits issued.

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The plans for the first phase of the Hialeah Park redevelopment includes a cluster of three-story garden-like buildings and two story townhouses that will contain about 343 rental apartments in total. These buildings will sit on approximately 12.6 acres of land located east of the racing tracks, on East Fourth Avenue. The project will also feature 702 parking spaces and a clubhouse occupying 4,100 square feet of land. 

A 12.3 acres section of land at the Hialeah Park, will  also be used for a 247,000-square foot Kindergarten and this charter school campus will be secured and separated from the casino and racetrack within the property. The school which will be built on the northeast corner of Hialeah Park is expected to have not more than 2,950 students and it will be operated by Mater Academy. 

The two architectural firms responsible for designing the redevelopment master plan of the Hialeah park are Civica Architecture, based in Doral Florida and Albert O. Gonzalez Architect, based in Miami Lakes.

Amidst all of these redevelopment plans, the Brunetti family and its partners have decided against replacing the casino, racetrack, and gaming infrastructure at Hialeah park, due to the historic significance of these facilities which have been listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Javier Vazquez, a Berger Singerman attorney, who represented Mater Academy at the city commission meeting, pointed out that the charter campus will be designed in such a way that the racetrack and casino in Hialeah park will be secluded and secured from it.

Vazquez said. “The important thing is that Mater has a system that is proven in other locations. Mr. Brunetti, in the operation of his casino, is obviously very sensitive to make sure that minors are not allowed there.”

1 thought on “Phase I of the Hialeah Park redevelopment project will soon begin”

  1. The Flamingo’s are leaving nightly to roost in Miami Springs as the Australian Pines we’re cut down and construction started on Flamingo Village that straddles their habitat. The Flamingo’s are stressed. They no longer feel safe inside the park at night.
    Living in two places at once isn’t normal behavior. The foxes have lost their homes too and now become a nuisance to the Flamingos. The Flamingo’s are also running around the baseball field and neighborhood adjacent to the clay pit they roost in at night in Miami Springs. Three have been found dead in Miami Springs and no one knows why. All of this has never happened before. Flamingos and construction don’t mix.

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