Home » Transport » Roads » Road to Dag Hammersjhold Heritage site in Zambia gets an upgrade

Road to Dag Hammersjhold Heritage site in Zambia gets an upgrade

Home » Transport » Roads » Road to Dag Hammersjhold Heritage site in Zambia gets an upgrade

The 7.02 km road from Kitwe Dual Carriageway junction to Dag Hammersjhold Heritage site in Ndola has now been upgraded by the Road Development Agency (RDA), Zambia.

This upgrade came into place after RDA included it in the works on the Ndola-Kitwe Dual Carriage, with the contract for the construction being given to China Jiangxi Engineering Corporation.

The road has since been upgraded to the bituminous standard with works on the drainage works going on, while road markings and road furniture are yet to be put in place. Extension has been made to the Ndola Girls Technical Secondary School administration block and the surrounding area.

The Dag Hammerskjold road also passes through the proposed site for Copperbelt University and Dag Hammerskjold Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies.

The road has been gravel since independence despite the fact that each year hundreds of people use it to go to the memorial site of Mr. Dag Hammaerskhold – a Swedish United Nations Secretary General before his death.

Upon full completion, the road project in the region will promote tourism both local and foreign. Zambia has, also, through the Link Zambia 8000, undertaken other road construction projects in the country set to take up US$3bn.