Roads and Civil Engineering Contractors Association has developed a code of conduct for its members. The code of conduct calls for the members to uphold and enhance the honour, integrity and dignity of the engineering profession and shall knowingly engage in business or professional practices of fraudulent, dishonest or unethical nature.
The code also calls for transparency in procurement and execution of projects.
1.1 The above code has been drafted pursuant to the objectives of Roads and Civil Engineering Contractors Association as provided for under rule 2 (a) of RACECA constitution which provides, inter alia, that RACECA ” shall operate as a self-regulating body charged with developing a code of conduct, enforcing the same among its members and generally upholding professionalism in the field of road construction and civil engineering”.
1.2 A code of conduct may be defined as; “A set of moral principles accepted by society or a group of people to govern relationships among themselves and with third parties including the general public” “Principles, values, standards, or rules of behaviour that guide the decisions, procedures and systems  of  an  organization  in  a  way  that  (a)  contributes  to  the  welfare  of  its  key stakeholders, and (b) respects the rights of all constituents affected by its operations.”
1.3 Though generally a code of conduct does not have the force of law, it is nonetheless expected that  those  who  subscribe  to  it  will  observe  and  adhere  to  it  for  orderly  running  of  their group/organization. In the case of RACECA, it is expected that any violation of the Code will be a misconduct for which a member may be expelled from the Association under rule 4 (b) of RACECA constitution.
1.4 The draft code 1.0 the code of conduct has therefore been drafted taking into account the above principles and the provisions of RACECA constitution. 1.1 Members are therefore requested to formally approve this draft for finalization and signature by members since no comments have been submitted on the draft as agreed during the last RACECA meeting.