Home » Transport » Sh12 bn for road projects in the Rukwa region, Tanzania

Sh12 bn for road projects in the Rukwa region, Tanzania

Home » Transport » Sh12 bn for road projects in the Rukwa region, Tanzania

Project for the construction, rehabilitation, and supervision of road projects in the Rukwa region is set to benefit from more than an Sh12 billion shot in the arm. For the 2022–2023 fiscal year, the Tanzanian government reportedly allotted the Tanzania Rural and Urban Road Agency (TARURA) the monies. 

The budget is triple what was allotted in the previous financial year, which was more than Sh4.2 billion. The information was recently disclosed during the signing of 29 contracts for the construction of roads, amounting to $6.18 billion, between TARURA and local contractors.

The 29 contracts that were signed include road projects which will be undertaken by the district councils of Sumbawanga, Nkasi, and Kalambo as well as the municipality of Sumbawanga.

How long until the road projects in the Rukwa region impact the community

After six months of construction, the road improvements will ease the movement of people, services, and goods.

Rukwa Regional Commissioner, Ms. Queen Sendinga, who was present when 29 contracts were signed, cautioned those who signed the contracts against the misappropriation of funds from the government since stern measures would be taken against culprits.

She cautioned against adverse reports of underperformance or financial misappropriation. She said that they are expected to play their part diligently. Ms. Sendiga went on to say that the TARURA in the area should oversee the project fearlessly and that it is important to watch the project’s financial value.

She emphasized that TARURA has to be vigilant to guarantee that the road projects in the Rukwa region are executed in accordance with contract terms and not otherwise. The RC went on to say that unreliable contractors shouldn’t be granted contracts and that the procurement requirements have to be properly observed.

According to TARURA Rukwa Regional Manager, Eng Samson Kalesi, the 6.18 billion that will finance the 29 road projects is divided into 4.037 billion from the Road Fund, 2.50 billion from the central government, and 5.50 billion from the fuel tax.