Home » Buildings » Industrial » Construction of Air Separation Unit in Eastern Cape, South Africa almost complete

Construction of Air Separation Unit in Eastern Cape, South Africa almost complete

Home » Buildings » Industrial » Construction of Air Separation Unit in Eastern Cape, South Africa almost complete

Construction work on the 150t/d air separation unit located in the Coega Industrial development zone in Eastern Cape is now more thatn 75% complete.

The air separation unit (ASU) which is worth US $28.17m is under construction by Afrox, a South African gas company. Arrival of storage vessels and the cold box for the unit is expected before the end of the month.

The MD of Afrox Brett Kimber noted that the project’s mechanical work at the Coega Industrial development zone will be completed before the end of the year, so that the ASU can come online in the first quarter of 2015.

The cold box is the core item for the air separation system, a reason its arrival is significant. It weighs 100t and was designed by industrial gas and engineering company, Linde Group of Germany.

Investment on the ASU in Port Elizabeth area was driven by the need to improve related service delivery in the area. Clients in the region used to get these services from the Afrox facility in the Western Cape.

The new air separation unit (ASU) at Coega Industrial development zone will thus support developmental opportunities in the region and spur industrial growth to the benefit of the community.