Home » Transport » Rail » South Africa President says PICC should address infrastructure projects matters with speed

South Africa President says PICC should address infrastructure projects matters with speed

Home » Transport » Rail » South Africa President says PICC should address infrastructure projects matters with speed

PICC is undertaking 150 projects in South Africa, including projects in rail, electrification, road construction, dams, ports and irrigation systems.

The president of South Africa Jacob Zuma has said that the minister, municipal leaders, provincial administration and premiers who are part of the Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission should ensure that they jointly solve problems related to infrastructure in the country.

Zuma has also said that there have been concerns of limited construction activity although PICC has been monitoring construction in all areas in hundreds of infrastructure projects. “We must make sure that dams are built, new schools are occupied by learners and railway carriages are manufactured and used for public transport systems,” he said. He said that they recognized the need to generate more energy, have better transport systems and logistics.

He also added that they recognized the need to ensure that all communities has access to water and sanitation and that there was expansion of information and communication technologies. He also expressed the need to invest in broadband, health, education and rural infrastructure.

The president said PICC, which was established to ensure delivery in infrastructure projects to avoid delays brought about by stakeholders, should be “action oriented, flexible and focused.” He also said that the culture of the Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission should encourage partnerships.