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The South African Institute of Architects echoes SAPOA’s call for action on Spatial Planning

Home » Buildings » Offices » The South African Institute of Architects echoes SAPOA’s call for action on Spatial Planning

The South African Institute of Architects, a  national representative body serving the interests of architects and architectural firms noted with interest the South African Property Owners Association’s (SAPOA) call to the Minister of Rural Development and Land Affairs, GugileNkwinti, to invoke his discretionary powers to expedite spatial planning.

The matters relating to the property development has remained topical in our country as a lot of work still needs to be undertaken in the housing development sector. “SAIA supports SAPOA’s appeal and any other initiatives which would help unblock barriers to development which, in turn, would lead to faster, more efficient processing of development applications”, said Sindile Ngonyama, the South African Institute of Architects (SAIA) President.

The huge infrastructure development target set by the government could only be achieved in the event that unnecessary bureaucracy is avoided in particular where it pertains to property development. “We urge the honourable Minister to take heed of the call in order to facilitate the approval process for applications and indeed appeals in the property development arena”,said Obert Chakarisa, the South African Institute of Architects – SAIA Chief Executive Officer.

South African Institute of Architects (SAIA) is the representative national body of professional architects as well as corporate architectural firms. With a total of eleven (11) regional affiliates, SAIA continues to be the leading voice of architects in South Africa, in the SADC region, on the African continent and globally. Members of the Institute, registered as professional architects, are educated and trained to provide leadership, critical judgement, specialist knowledge, skills and aptitude, for the design and development of the built environment.