US $770m for university infrastructure projects in South Africa

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The ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation in South Africa has invested over US $770m in university infrastructure projects in South Africa across the country’s 26 public universities from 2020/21 to 2022/23. According to Minister Dr Blade Nzimande, the department intends to partner with the private sector to boost investment in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector infrastructure.

“I have restructured and streamlined infrastructure management within my department and I appointed a Ministerial Advisory Team (MACI) on Post School Education and Training (PSET) infrastructure, as well as established, working together with the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), an Infrastructure Project Management Office, with a particular focus on student accommodation,” said the minister during a visit at Imbali Education and Innovation Precinct (IEIP).
“We will also mobilise investment from, and establish partnerships with the private sector in order to accelerate provision of student accommodation in particular, within the framework of the Presidential Infrastructure Co-ordinating Committee,” he added

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TVET lecturer training institute

The Minister also revealed that the department’s focus is not only on university infrastructure projects in South Africa, but also on lecturer training, scarce skills and curriculum development. He further confirmed that the work for the establishment of a TVET lecturer training institute in Gauteng has begun, and it is gaining momentum.

“The establishment of new TVET lecturer qualifications and the development of associated programmes, and their offering by universities is also well underway,” said minister Nzimande.