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Construction of Mbulu District Hospital in Tanzania on track

Home » Buildings » Hospital » Construction of Mbulu District Hospital in Tanzania on track

Construction works on Mbulu District Hospital is on track. Deputy Minister of State in the President’s Office (Regional Administration and Local Government) Mwita Waitara confirmed the report and said the project is making great progress.

The project is expected to help Mbulu residents who have been traveling long distances to get medical services. When completed, the services offered will include vaccinations, child clinics, and other outpatient services.

“The government is closely monitoring the hospital construction as well as the construction of other 67 hospitals nationwide so that they start offering services,” said Mwita Waitara.

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Strengthen health care services

He however explained that Tanzania has currently over 16000 villages across the country and while the government may not be able to build dispensaries in all areas immediately, local authorities have been instructed and encouraged to erect the required structures for at least providing basic and minor treatments.

“We cannot cover all the villages countrywide with dispensaries but the local authorities should ensure they erect the required structures which as a matter of fact require just a small area for minor treatments,” said Majaliwa.

The government has sought to strengthen health care services by raising the medical supplies budget to enable payment for essential medicines, immunization, medical equipment and reagents to over US $130m in the 2018/19 financial year, compared with just over US $15m in FY-2015/16.

Mwita Waitara also urged local authorities to start mobilizing funds for the construction of dispensaries through which the government will be able to provide medical supplies and health care staff.


1 thought on “Construction of Mbulu District Hospital in Tanzania on track”

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