Home » Transport » Rail » Dar es Salaam-Morogoro SGR Power Line in Tanzania 99% complete

Dar es Salaam-Morogoro SGR Power Line in Tanzania 99% complete

Home » Transport » Rail » Dar es Salaam-Morogoro SGR Power Line in Tanzania 99% complete

Dar es Salaam-Morogoro SGR Power Line construction is almost complete after approximately 11 months of construction with the works reportedly 99 percent done.  The transmission line, which has a capacity of 220 kV, covers a total distance of 159 kilometers from Kinyerezi through Dar Es Salaam and Msamvu to Morogoro, and it will serve as a source of power for the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) train.

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The line is connected with four newly built Traction Power Substations (TPS) in Pugu, Ruvu, Kidugalo, and Kingolwira. Experts confirmed that by the end of this month the Dar es Salaam-Morogoro stretch will be completed to allow operation of the trolley locomotive on the line without a problem.

Meanwhile, plans for the second phase which involves the construction of 420 kilometers power transmission line with a 220 kV capacity from Morogoro to Makutupora in Singida region is on course.

The Standard gauge Railway (SGR) project

During the 50th Tanesco Workers Council convened recently in Morogoro, the Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited (TANESCO) Managing Director, Dr. Tito Mwinuka said that the SGR, one of the strategic major projects undertaken by the fifth-phase government was progressing well.

Also in late November, Tanzania Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa announced that phase one of the SGR from Dar es Salaam-Morogoro was 90 percent complete and was on course for completion within the agreed time limits. What remained, he said, was the installation of power transmission lines, adding that the project will begin operating by April next year.

The East African country prime minister said that the government was devoted to strengthening railway, air, water, and road transport infrastructures to provide diverse options to its citizens.