Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Corporation (DAWASCO) is planning to commission an initiative that will see residents who are unable to afford water bills get water connection. A senior official, Mr Kiula Kingu, said the offer is primarily for unprivileged residents close to DAWASCO water sources.
Mr. Kingu further explained that the offer will start this financial year. The initiative will begin by encouraging residents to apply for the offer. This is through sending requests to DAWASCO. Furthermore, the offer is open to those in areas where DAWASCO sources are currently located as well as many others yet to receive the sources. However, the offer is only applicable for those who are genuinely unable to afford bills for water connection.
According to Mr. Kingu, the offer is among the firm’s 2018 water supply enhancement strategies. This is in a bid to assure the majority of Dar es Salaam residents of clean and safe water supply. The same will go towards social welfare promotion and economic development.
Also read: DAWASCO to install prepaid water meters in Tanzania
Convenient for users
Ideally, those connected for free will get to use the water freely and pay in accordance to what they can afford either on a monthly basis. This is either through loans or in whichever other way they are comfortable with.
Mr. Kingu explained that this way they will not be disadvantaged. This is because the people will use the water freely without pressure for meeting monthly payment deadlines. Moreover, they will also be exempted in terms of disconnections should they fail to pay.
The main aim of the initiative is to ensure DAWASCO reaches and supplies water to the majority of the residents. This is towards the enhancement of the community’s development as well as the nation at large. DAWASCO’s projection is to attain a target of 400,000 new customers by June this year.
Currently, DAWASCO has about 220,000 active customers located in Dar es Salaam and Coast regions. The Project Manager, Engineer Ramadhan Kassim, said DAWASCO had come up with various short and long water development projects for implementation starting this year.