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Expansion of Arusha airport in Tanzania gathers momentum

Home » Transport » Airports » Expansion of Arusha airport in Tanzania gathers momentum

Ongoing expansion at the Arusha airport in Tanzania has gathered momentum. According to Arusha Airport Manager Elipid Tesha, the regional airport has currently undergone massive extension and is due to be expanded per the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) standards.

“Arusha Airport has been extended by 200m, where it now spans 1,860 metres. However, Arusha-Minjingu Aiport Road still proves to be an obstacle to its operations,” said Mr. Tesha.

Consequently, plans are underway to relocate the Arusha-Minjingu highway to facilitate Arusha Airport operations. Part of the stretch will now feature in the envisioned Kisongo-four way lane.

“The road itself is an obstacle to the airport as it is within 40m from the runway, which is against international standards. On average, the airport registers 140 flights, raking about US $1.5m revenue,” he added.

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International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) creates regulations for aviation safety, security, efficiency and regularity and environmental protection. The organization also regulates operating practices and procedures covering the technical field of aviation. This collection ensures smooth air transportation and border crossing procedures and ensures fair opportunity to operate international airlines, promote flight safety and minimize expenses and penalties.

ICAO is funded and directed by 193 national governments to support their diplomacy and cooperation in air transport as signatory states to the Chicago Convention (1944). Its core function is to maintain an administrative and expert bureaucracy supporting these diplomatic interactions, and to research new air transport policy and standardization innovations as directed and endorsed by governments through the ICAO Assembly, or by the ICAO Council which the assembly elects.

Industry and civil society groups, and other concerned regional and international organizations, also participate in the exploration and development of new standards at ICAO in their capacity as ‘Invited Organizations’.