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Jambiani Secondary School classrooms in Zanzibar to undergo renovation

Home » Buildings » Schools » Jambiani Secondary School classrooms in Zanzibar to undergo renovation

Jambiani Secondary School classrooms in South Unguja, Zanzibar are set to undergo renovations. The school recently received donations of 200 galvanised iron sheets and some building materials from NMB Bank Branch in Zanzibar towards the project.

According to NMB Bank Dar es Salam Zonal Manager Donatus Richard, the bank has decided to work with the entire community around Jambiani to address the challenge of leaking classrooms during the rainy season and hence improve a learning environment. “NMB has made these donations as part of their corporate social responsibility,” he said during the handover ceremony at the school.

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Creating an enabling learning environment for children

The Zonal Manager further added that education was a catalyst for development so there was every reason for children to have an enabling learning environment without stress while studying.

Jambiani Secondary School Acting Head Teacher Haji Haji thanked the bank, saying for some time they had been facing poor classroom conditions, where students had been unable to attend classes during the rainy season, but with such support the problem had been solved.

Paje Constituency Member of Parliament Sudi Nahoda, also thanked the bank for the support, saying it would address the school’s leaking buildings. “I can assure you that the support you have given us is invaluable and in fact NMB is one of the financial institutions that care about the community in bringing about development,” he added.